How to Increase Your Influence in Twitter Marketing
First, we will start with tips which can serve as a great review for seasoned users as well as an awesome guide for those who are new to Twitter. Next we will move to the more advanced tricks where you can turn up the volume in your marketing.
Hi There,
Today we will discuss why you should have a killer bio. Why you should respond to everyone. Please keep reading for more great tips.
Let's dig in.
Twitter Tips
Have a Killer Bio
You should make it benefited oriented for the reader. What do I mean by that? Give clear indication of what you they can discover from following you. Add a touch of humor to show that you are human, and you can add a bit of intrigue as well and target it to the right person you want to attract. It is a tall request but work it but don't be afraid to tweak as you think of better words to say. Be original.
Tweet consistently-as in every day and even several times a day. You can use social media tools to schedule your great content and even retweets to be shared at the best times throughout the day.
Pro-tip: Make your tweets short enough so that other people can retweet, so that they can add a comment of their own. I recommend 250 characters or less is good.
If you want to get more traffic, these resources will help you a lot:
Respond to Everyone
Whether they are retweeting you, mentioning you, or favoriting your tweet, be sure to respond back. Think of it this way, "if you are in a group and someone says 'you got to hear what this person just said,' and points to you, or ask you a question, wouldn't you respond back? Yes, you will, unless you are rude. Imagine how they would feel if you just ignore them.
Be Courteous
When you link to someone else's content or share something from someone else, it is courteous to add @account name mention. People love it, when they are recognized and give credit to their stuff.
Don't try to read every tweet, because you CAN'T. And even if you could, it would take to much time, instead choose the ones that you want to read and respond to. You can also create a Twitter list of your favorite accounts.
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Twitter Tricks
Whether you are new or seasoned Twitter user, you probably know at least a few Twitter tricks, but here is one you may not know yet. If you did, let me know in the comment.
Did you know, you can get every tweet you ever made? Don't believe me? Check it out!
You might want see what you were doing in April of 2018, or you might want to review all the great tips you have shared over time, and maybe put them in an e-book. What ever your reason, you can get ALL of your tweets from since the beginning by following these instruction. Click here.
Can you search on Twitter for anything? Yes you can, ANYTHING. Twitter advanced search is a powerful tool for finding tweets on any subject or tweets to or from a particular person. Plus you can search geographically, time periods, key words, topics and more. Learn how to...Click here.
You can tweet during the workday on Eastern time, Monday to Thursday for maximum engagement. If you use Twitter for business, schedule it into your day, and be sure to check Twitter once or twice each day to respond to questions or conversations.
Subscribe to Lists
You can subscribe to public list. Go to the person's profile, click on 'lists' and choose to what list you would like subscribe to. This is a great avenue to get information in your particular niche, as well as get to know other players in your field.
Use 'Favorites.'
You can use as a bookmark for later and you can use to entice someone to follow you. If you follow someone on Twitter and want to show your approval for a tweet, while making them aware of your presence, sometimes using the favorite button is the way to go.
Final Thoughts
Even though Twitter is a great marketing strategies, your best bet is to get people or prospects to your landing page and onto your list as fast as possible. Social media platforms can be fickle, but once you got them on your list, they are yours to market to anytime you like forever.
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Stay Fancy,
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